Ian Diggance Übersetzungen - Ihr Fachpartner für technische Übersetzungen Deutsch-Englisch


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A reliable and proficient partner, Mr Diggance has become an integral part of our day-to-day business. He has been supplying us with technical translations of our product documentation for more than 10 years: stylistically outstanding, technically perfect and always on schedule.

Sensitive and enterprise-critical documents are also handled with the requisite discretion.

Arrangements and special requests are dealt with in an uncomplicated and unbureaucratic manner. Working with Mr Diggance is simply a pleasure and is marked by fairness, diligence and quality.

Petra Krauß, AKI GmbH
Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / Marketing & Public Relations

Würzburg, client since 2001





A proficient translation agency that is pleased to accommodate its client’s requests and is capable of expertly overcoming any technical problems that may arise.

Michael Grinberg, Fraunhofer IOSB
Abteilung Videoauswertesysteme (VID) / Video Exploitation Systems Dept.

Karlsruhe, Kunde seit 2013


The open source launch of our Enterprise Job Scheduling System required the documentation to be translated into English.

Mr Diggance was recommended to us, in particular on the basis of his experience with technical translations.

In the past we had already attempted to find a translation agency capable of handling our document format (LaTeX). This proved to be practically impossible.

For Mr Diggance, on the other hand, processing this format presented no problems at all. And a pragmatic solution was also quickly forthcoming to resolve the complication that the basis for the documentation comprised a large number of files (almost 2000).

The translation is so good, in fact, in our opinion the English documentation is now better than the original German.

Ultimately, the full translation of the around 1,000 pages took longer than originally anticipated. This was mainly due to the fact that we both underestimated the complexity of the files involved. However, small translations that were required in between were accomplished very quickly.

To summarise: Our collaboration with Mr Diggance is charactised by a high standard of quality, tremendous flexibility and extremely pleasant and satisfying communication.

Ronald Jeninga, independIT GmbH,
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director

Schrobenhausen, client since 2013



During the past ten years or so we have repeatedly engaged Mr Diggance to translate new website contents, marketing material and user manuals for different companies.

Throughout this time, Mr Diggance has always supported us in a very reliable, fast and uncomplicated manner. Not only are deadlines adhered to without fail, but he frequently delivers well before scheduled. We have always quickly reached an agreement with regard to commercial matters as well. I can unreservedly recommend Mr Diggance for translations in the fields of sales, marketing and technical documentation.

Marco Linsenmann, Solving Bridge GmbH
Inhaber & Geschäftsführer / Proprietor & Managing Director

Heerliberg (CH), client since 2005



We have been a client of Mr Diggance for several years and are more than satisfied with his work. Mr Diggance takes care of all the translations for EASYCODE, and in doing so is exceedingly thorough and always punctual. We receive much praise from our customers in English-speaking countries for the extremely specific, technical translations (software development environment, product specifications, user manuals, etc.).

Saskia Kühner, Easycode GmbH
Vertrieb / Sales

Nürnberg, Kunde seit 2006



The English translation is outstanding. Stylistically I think it’s at least as good as our German text, and it could certainly be used as the basis for translations into other languages.
I didn’t read it all in great detail once I had realised just how good, in my opinion, the quality of the English text is.

Dr. Marietta Ulrich-Horn, Securikett & Horn GmbH
Geschäftsführerin / Managing Director

Wiener Neudorf/A, client since 2014


Kulturamt Lindau/B

From website content and press dossiers through to exhibition catalogues – Mr Diggance has translated all the texts required for our cultural projects since 2011 incisively and with sensitivity, as well as exceedingly quickly and reliably, if not to say superbly. The price-performance ratio is outstanding, and we will continue working together with him in the future with the greatest of pleasure.

Barbara Reil, Kulturamt Lindau
Leitende Kunsthistorikerin / Head Art Librarian

Lindau/B, client since 2011


We have enjoyed an excellent and reliable cooperation with Mr Diggance for several years now. Extremely good and precise translations are particularly crucial in a software environment, while technical translations in other fields are always delivered punctually and to the utmost satisfaction of our clients.

Ralph Sternecker, BKR Softwareberatung und -entwicklung GmbH

Entwicklung / Development

Nuremberg, client since 2007


fun communications

fun communications GmbH has been procuring its translations from German into English from Mr Diggance for many years.

Translation orders are processed professionally, straightforwardly, quickly (even at very short notice if required) and exceedingly proficiently. It is always a pleasure to do business with him. We wish Mr Diggance much success and look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.

Iris Wandler, fun communications GmbH
Senior Manager Marketing

Karlsruhe, client since 2000


Stadtarchiv Lindau/B




In 2013, the Former Free Imperial City Library in Lindau on Lake Constance was reorganised to improve public access to this unique constituent element of Lindau’s documentary heritage. The  measures that were undertaken included the installation of presentation panels, for which the main content was to be translated into English. We entrusted this task to Mr Diggance on the recommendation of our Cultural Office – and we were not to be disappointed.

Quite on the contrary: Within a very short space of time, Mr Diggance provided us with exceedingly perceptive translations which clearly demonstrated just how intensively he had occupied himself with the style and content of our texts, and how deeply he had “immersed” himself into this, not exactly run-of-the-mill subject matter. And the fee for this quality was nothing less than fair!

We will certainly be requiring several more translations during the course of this project. I am looking forward to being able to work together with Mr Diggance again in the near future.

Heiner Stauder
Leiter des Stadtarchivs und der Ehemals Reichsstädtischen Bibliothek Lindau (B) / Director of the Municipal Archive and Former Free Imperial City Library in Lindau

Lindau/B, client since 2013



Our collaboration with Ian Diggance Übersetzungen is characterised by reliability, punctuality and quality.

Klaus Spießhofer, Cellent Finance Solutions GmbH
Sales Director Compliance Solutions

Stuttgart, client since 2003


Thinking Objects

All manner of text content has to be translated at an IT service provider and systems integrator. Whether articles about international partnerships, service descriptions or PR material for trade fairs – Ian Diggance has been accompanying us as a competent partner for over 10 years. Characteristic for our collaboration are the flexible and fast processing of translation jobs combined with consistently good results.

We regard Ian Diggance as a loyal business partner who provides us with pragmatically professional support in our marketing activities.

Korntal-Münchingen/Stuttgart, client since 2003



Mr Diggance has, without exception, rendered us outstanding service with all our translation projects. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that he works in an extremely flexible and fast manner. We can unreservedly recommend Mr Diggance’s translation services and we thank him for the excellent collaboration.

Berlin/Baar (Switzerland), client since 2003