General Terms and Conditions
As translating represents a special form of service, we are only able to process orders in accordance with the following Terms and Conditions. Each order must be individually assessed (taking into account the type of order, required completion time, special requirements, etc.) before we can accept it and make an unconditional offer. These Terms and Conditions apply in all business dealings with our clients. They are recognized as binding by our clients as soon as they place a definite order.
1. Rates
A line price of €1.10 (net) forms the basis for our charges (Standard Service).
This price applies for German/English respectively English/German translations irrespective of difficulty and complexity. Prices for other language combinations are available on request.
The exact charges can only be assessed after examination of the client’s order and all special requests. All prices are given in euros, net, VAT exclusive. The current exchange rate at the Deutsche Bank on the day of issue of the invoice is to be consulted if payment in a foreign currency has been arranged.
2. Lines
One line is defined as 55 characters (inc. spaces). The approximate number of lines is determined in the initial examination of the text and an offer made accordingly.
3. Minimum charge
A minimum charge of €30.00 (net) is levied an short texts.
4. Surcharges
Surcharges apply to:
Express Service – Completion same day (only after confirmation by telephone): 50%
5. Rates for time work
An hourly rate of €50.00 (net) is charged for time work (e.g. proof reading).
6. Third party
We are permitted to employ the services of a Third Party should we consider it necessary. We are responsible for careful selection. We are required, however, should the client request it, to relinquish any claims against a Third Party.
7. Text grading and delivery dates
A delivery date can only be ascertained after prior examination of the text to be translated. We reserve the right in case of dispute to stipulate an appropriate delivery limit as well as any surcharges or supplementary costs. We reserve the right to withdraw from a contract or to set a new delivery date should we not be able to deliver punctually due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. natural disaster, industrial dispute etc.).
8. Orders and delivery conditions
Orders will be processed under the terms of our Standard Service unless otherwise advised. An estimate will be drawn up after assessment of the text and any special requirements and relevant surcharges. The client is required to give written approval of the terms agreed. The order will then be processed accordingly. The client’s confirmation must be clearly included in texts transmitted by email or fax. Only orders with our written confirmation will be processed. Our confirmation by telephone or fax is equivalent to our written confirmation.
9. Multiple reproduction
Translations are the intellectual property of the translator.
We expressly give our consent to the multiple reproduction (in the form of posters, memos, questionnaires or printed matter, etc.) upon the delivery of translations approved and released by us. We can only take responsibility for such texts if we are provided with a proof copy for control purposes prior to publication. The translation remains our property until we have received full payment, both for present as well as all future claims.
10. Copyright
The client is required to absolve us of blame totally and in all respects should we be charged with breaching copyright as a result of translating a text provided by the client.
11. Complaints
Complaints about texts which have been translated within the scope of our normal service can only be considered if the said complaints distort the meaning of the original text. Such complaints must reach us in writing within 10 days of the completion date. The client has the right to a free corrected translation should we be found to be liable for any mistakes. The client may not demand a reworked or corrected translation after this 10 day period.
12. Delivery
The client determines how his translation is to be sent. We are not responsible for loss or damage incurred during delivery.
13. Payment
The client receives the bill for his order together with the completed translation. We require that the bill be paid without delay provided the client has no claims or complaints regarding the translation. Payment may be made solely by bank transfer. The costs which are incurred bank payments from clients from outside Germany are to be borne by the client. Payments made are deemed to be final.
14. Legal venue
Legal venue is Hamburg (Harburg), Germany.
15. Validity
These terms and conditions are valid with effect from July 1st, 2023.